(100g) Hormone balancing cream: Organic and natural. WILD YAM, Chaste Tree, Red Clover, Crampbark & Castor Oil. - Assists in supporting the body's natural hormone regulation processes. We utilize physical plant and herb materials in a castor and coconut oil base to create this product, Ensuring a longer shelf life (1,5 years) Ingredients; WILD YAM contains the active ingredient Diosgenin which can assist with the relief of menstrual discomfort and menopausal symptoms. CHASTE TREE BERRY impacts on reducing prolactin levels and regulating hormones contributing to stabilizing both the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle, promoting an ideal cycle length. In summary, chastetree can assist in regulating cycle length, enhancing fertility, and alleviating emotional and physical pre-menstrual symptoms. RED CLOVER assists in the balance of hormonal fluctuations, alleviating mood swings, and reducing breast discomfort. These benefits are applicable to women experiencing menopausal symptoms as well as those affected by premenstrual syndrome, as both conditions can lead to substantial fluctuations in hormone levels. CRAMPBARK is used for relieving cramps, including muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, and used as a kidney stimulant for urinary conditions that involve pain or spasms. For external use only. As directed, massage into areas of the body where the cream is absorbed most such as the chest, neck, belly button, inner arms & thighs.