Wild Yam Cream Made Whole Compare To Anna’s Wild Yam Cream.. these are made fresh to order! Hormone rebalancing cream is good for women of all ages. It helps your body to rebalance its own hormones without bioidentical hormones. It is good for the young woman that still has her cycles. It will make your cycles more regular and help heavy bleeding to be more normal. For the woman that still has her cycle she needs to apply a pea size amount twice daily to inside of arms, inside of legs, or the neck area. It is best to rotate this every time you apply it. The week of your cycle you will not need to apply it. For the menopausal woman there is no break needed it will relieve hot flashes and low energy. Men can also use this but only once a day and no break needed. It will help men with performance. Wild yam is the main ingredient and is an adaptogenic herb. This means if your estrogen is too high it will regulate it, if it is too low it will bring it up to normal levels. Next Chaste Tree berry or Vitex takes care of your progesterone. It is also an adaptogenic herb. Finally Cramp bark will help with cramps and regulating blood flow to your pelvic region. I only used good oils and natural products they are all listed on the label. This product is comparable to Anna's wild yam cream from Australia. This product is very hard to find and can run up to $150 in the States. You can find more info online by Barbara O'Neill. People see results in as little as 2 weeks and it could take longer. Don't lose faith and be consistent! *Do Not Use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have seizure disorders. *This information is educational and informative, not to replace medical advice. While most herbs are relatively safe, there are some potential medical interactions. *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.